Thursday, March 12, 2020

Orthodontist Treats Decay Teeth and Gives a Longer Life Smile

Attractive and healthy smiles are a must when meeting people and making friends. It can increase your confidence and fill you with a pleasant feeling about yourself. If you do not take proper care of your teeth and gums, then you can suffer from various teeth diseases and even your smile will not give good feelings to others. Orthodontist in Brooklyn offers many treatments to keep your smile long-life.

Healthplex Orthodontist in Brooklyn specializes in the following types of diseases with various choices of insurance plans:

       Bad breath
       Stained teeth
       tooth decay
       Gum disease
       Tooth fall
       Dental caries

Many varieties of devices are used for orthodontic treatment. They can be either fixed or removable. The devices help to remove and position teeth, adaptively they affect the jaw and inhibit the face and chewing muscles. A soft pressure on the teeth and jaw will help set the instrument.

The following types of devices can fix teeth or remove defective teeth:

       Aligner – An invisible alternative to traditional braces and can be removed when eating or brushing and flossing.
       Lip and cheek bumpers – Bumpers relieve pressure which makes teeth sharp and which bites lips and cheeks.
       Removable Maintenance – Being placed on the roof of the mouth, these prevent the teeth from being allowed to move to their previous inappropriate position.
       Splints – It is also known as jaw changing devices and trains the jaw to close the position favorably.

After the treatment is over, the teeth have to be in a good state for some time. This is called the "hold" period, and the devices that hold the teeth in their place are called retainers.